Find cheap hotels and hostels on a map

Hotel Map

Online hotel map-search making finding available hotels more intuitive and visual.

Most hotel search sites assume you already know where you want to stay and add maps as an afterthought only when you have already found a suitable hotel. Target rooms turn this around and puts the map in the middle of your search.

Most hotel search sites assume you know where you want to stay and add maps as a possible afterthought only once you have already found the right hotel. Target rooms turn this around and puts the map in the middle of one's search.

They typically don't include live date availability or perhaps the hotels are merely shown in a certain zoom level or radius from a search point. On the right track Rooms you can, for example, position the map to view the cheapest 25 hotels available next Saturday within Andorra!.

A more practical example would be finding hotels near LAX airport. Simply type LAX in to the "Move map to" box and hit looking button. Yu will be shown an aerial viewof LAX and many markers pointing for the most favored hotels on the map.

Realize that the yellow clusters of hotels falter or merge together since the zoom level changes. This overcomes the situation of showing 80,000 hotels all on one map that has stopped other sites from showing this info over a dynamic map. It uses a formula similar to gravity to determine when clusters merge.

Hotel Map

Hotel stock arises from but soon and HostelBookers potential by Expedia. Target Rooms has decided to be a price comparision site having a variety of rooms as well as the most powerful visual search.

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